
When will 2018 pu erh spring tea on the market? Why is late that ancient tree puer spring tea sprout?

      People familiar with the Pu'er tea industry, they know that the Pu'er Tea spring germination is becoming more and more late in recent years. Especially the 2017 Pu'er ancient tree spring tea sprouting is very late, it's really a long time wait for many people.

      Recalling the past two years the ancient tree spring tea into market situation, we know well: in early and mid ten days of March 2016, Pu'er tea entering the peak picking at the big Pu'er tea producing area, but 2017, it began to enter the picking period in the first ten days of April, it is later more than one month than the previous year. Know the actual cause, it is because that 2017 Pu'er ancient spring tea generally late germination, what is the reason that ancient tea sprout late?

1. The effects of abnormal climate make the ancient tea tree germinate late
      Climatic factors are the primary reasons. According to the related climate report, combined with the tea farmers ask to see: 2017 Lincang, Xishuangbanna tea area, in spring, not only is the temperature generally low, but also the precipitation is less, and the overall climate is dry.
      The temperature is low in winter, plant growth is inhibited, metabolism is also weakened, the plant enters the dormancy period, the life activities of plants will be strengthened until the temperature rises in the coming year, bud and leaf germination, the ancient tea tree is so too. But if the temperature is low in the spring, the ancient tea tree would have been in a dormant state, growth is very slow, the germination of the leaves of the tea tree will naturally be slower, so that germination late.
  The growth and development of plants require sufficient nutrients and water as the material basis, the climate in the tea area was generally dry and less rainfall in 2017, the germination and growth of tea leaves are inhibited in the absence of water, this also makes the 2017 ancient tea trees germinate late.

2.The ancient tea tree was damaged by excessively picking, so that germination late
  The price of Pu'er ancient tree tea continues to rise in recent years, Driven by interest, the ancient tea trees are more or less excessively picking in many tea areas, the ancient tea tree as a life body, its vitality is limited, excessive picking is an accelerated loss to its vitality. And the tea tree needs enough nutrients as the material basis for the germination of the tea tree, Excessively picking will accelerate the consumption of nutrients in the tea tree, the ancient tea tree will be damaged in the course of time, and lead to germination late.

3.The unscientific picking way makes the ancient tea tree germinate late
  The continuous growth of tea trees naturally requires corresponding life activities, one of the most important life activities of plants is the photosynthesis of synthetic nutrients, photosynthesis is mainly in the green leaves of plants. Tea tree is different from other crops, the leaves of the tea tree will be picked, the tea tree does not have enough bud leaves, photosynthesis will weaken, and it is difficult to synthesize enough nutrients to supply tea tree growth, the traditional picking method will leave a part of the bud leaves when they are picked, their purpose is to maintain the sustainable growth of tea trees. And now a lot of tea mountain in order to the pursuit yield, excessive picking of the main buds leaves, they do not continue to have a part of leaf at tea tree when they picking, if things go on like this, this will cause a corresponding damage to the tea tree, it makes the synthesis and accumulation of nutrients more and more slow, the germination of the ancient tea tree is becoming more and more late.

  Deterioration of external environment, insufficient supply of nutrient, it will make the tea tree transition from the growth period to the reproductive period, so that diminished germination capacity. Overly pickin and unscientific management will also weaken and consume the vitality of the tea tree, and accelerating tea tree to enter the aging period, so that weaken its ability to germinate. In recent years, the extreme climate of Yunnan has been frequent in recent years, excessive picking is more or less in existence, all of this will change the vital movement of the ancient tea tree, so that tea tree germinate late.