
What is the Pu'er raw tea "gap period" ?

Pu'er raw tea hav a gap period, in the gap period of Pu'er tea, the taste is very wateriness, or that it can be called mediocre, the tea aroma is weak or almost no tea aroma, only light sweet, the taste gap is very large compared with just produced, and it has a big gap compared with aged tea, it can be said that this is the trough period of Puer raw tea.
What time the "gap period" will begin? No accurate start time; What time the "gap period" will over? There is no exact time, but there is a definite identification basis, it is that new tea high tea aroma and elegant tea aroma have faded, and before aged tea aroma had not formed, Puer raw tea between these two kinds of tea aroma, they have great gap on the taste, this is the "gap period" of Puer raw tea, the gap period start and end with the tea itself condition have the relationship, with the tea compressed shape have relationship,  it also has a relationship with the storage environment of tea.
For example, a paper box, with all the Puer raw loose tea, the above tea is in contact with air, the tea aroma lost very quickly, the taste will feel thin following truth, but the below tea, tea aroma lose very slow, the above tea will absorb the below tea aroma, so, overall, tea aroma is balanced loss, in other words, when the above tea loss tea aroma, the below tea is begining slowly aging, a aged tea aroma emanating out, the end result is that new tea tea aroma is not completely lost, but aged tea tea aroma and aged tea taste come out, the FCL tea taste tends to be a good drink state, this time we can only say that the tea "gap period" is not obvious, because the tea can complement tea aroma each other.
But if I take 7 grams of tea from the above, put in a ziplock bag, put in the other room, this room requires not infected other tea tea aroma, open the ziplock bag put there, short is 7 days, long is 3 months, you will find that high elegant tea aroma almost completely not have, but Chen aroma hasn't come out yet, the taste gap is very large at this time, give people the feeling is like rotten leaves, the soup is very wateriness, but still a little bit of sweet.
           Compressed tea is similar too, outside the tea aroma receded, because of Inside of the tea was compressed, so tea aroma will fade slowly, same principle.
      Storage conditions of tea. High temperature and humidity in the South, Chen aroma came out very quickly, maybe the tea aroma is not completely lost, Chen aroma have come out, so in the South may not feel the "gap period" of tea, and dry in the North, Chen aroma came out slowly, so the "gap period" was displayed vividly. Also, for example, the coastal areas, there is often typhoon, the wind is coming, the tea aroma receded quickly, the "gap period" taste difference may be significantly, so these are related to the region.
There's a problem with the amount of tea, if the quantity of tea is small, put in a room, it will soon fade, if there is a large amount of tea in a room, especially the warehouse of the merchants, whole is tea, the mutual infection between tea aroma, it will be very slow fade tea aroma, the "gap period" will not obvious.
So I say that Pu'er raw tea have a gap period, but it does not mean that the tea is not good, only illustrate that the new tea tea aroma receded, a great difference between the tea taste, as far as whether its taste is good, must wait until Chen aroma came out, you will can the conclusion, The "gap period" is just a transitional period. Of course, some people love to drink new tea strong taste and Intoxicating tea aroma, some people love to drink the full flavor of aged tea, each take good.
The Puer raw tea have very obvious "gap period", or a great difference between the two tea taste, must have a prerequisite, it is a very strong new tea tea aroma, so that after tea aroma receded, before Chen aroma did not come out, big taste gap. I found the obvious "gap period" old tree tea have, Jingmai mountain Mangjing, Yi Wu Guafengzhai, Yi Wu Zheng mountain(Mansa), Nannuo mountain Duoyizhai, Mengsong Huazhu Liangzi. Of course, not only these, there should be a lot of tea, especially in Lincang area, winning by tea aroma.

