
The good and bad of Pu er tea can not only look at the price

      Cheap no good goods, good goods is not cheap.It was which industry can be Identified.But just to determine good or bad of puer tea by  the level of the price, this will be a big mistake.
      Pu er tea prices can be broadly divided into three parts: Base price,Quality price,Additional price.
      Base price is mainly from the leaves on the tea tree to the last place in the market that a piece of the human cost.Such as usually artificial dwarfing old trees tea picking costs tens of yuan / kg, tea garden Tableland Tea Picking costs only a few dollars.From the Maotea to the packaging market, Pu'er Tea cost roughly add 3 yuan/pieces,This will be able to understand why a piece of old tea can not only sell tens of dollars, put aside the value of tea, labor costs are not enough.
      The quality price is the inherent quality,every season of pick tea,a large number of businessman collect tea go to the tea mountain,we passed the assessment cup to identify the good or bad of Pu er tea,farmers and merchants both determine a transaction price,Note: I said here is not famous Pu'er Tea acquisition, to the quality of tea to determine the price.
      Additional price is the popularity of producing areas,the popularity of brand and market push hands attitude determine the additional price of Pu er tea.This is 8000 yuan a kilo Pu'er Tea was not much better than 1000 yuan a kilo of tea. More than 7000 yuan, is the concept of consumer psychology and other a series of factors with the quality of the tea is not too much money.
      Cheap no good goods, good goods is not cheap to say is the basis of price and quality price. But the specific to a certain piece of tea will always more or less include the additional price. For people who really want to drink tea, the two factors constitute the higher the price, the lower the price of the third factors to be considered a real good tea.

